He’s the guy who’s there when you need him — whether he’s helping you move into a nest of your own, walking you down the aisle (hello Wedding Season!), or just spotting you that “occasional” $20. And if he’s anything like ours, he doesn’t want to talk about it.
When it comes to celebrating Dad without embarrassing you both, mail is your best friend.
Think about it: you get to show your appreciation without having to make eye contact — and you come out looking like the favorite child. One of these Dad-friendly cards is sure to perk up your old man and build up a stockpile of mutual understanding for the next time you lock your keys in your car and dial his number at 2 AM.
Now, he may not say it, but we’ll bet you five bucks your Dad would love to have a gift alongside that super-thoughtful card. But don’t worry, we’ve taken the time to round up some appropriately badass gifts to bring a reluctant smile to his eyes.
Photo Courtesy: Master of Malt
If your Dad’s got a taste for spirits, it doesn’t get much better than a box-full-o-whisky. Or gin. Or tequila. Or… all three? Browse Drinks by the Dram for the perfect way to butter dad up in preparation for your next birthday.
AWB OneSky Reflector Telescope
Photo: Astronomers Without Borders
Dads and space go together like, well… dads and space, right? Tell him to focus on Jupiter instead of your recent poor financial decisions and you’ll both be winners!
Photo: Hummingbird Hammocks
We don’t care how old you are, hammocks are the coolest. With this professional-grade hammock, Dad could sleep in a forest… on a mountain… even in a zoo if he was extra sneaky.
Happy Father’s Day from Studio Masha D’Yans!
We’re the biggest fans of finding inspiration in the world around us — and that includes the world above us!
Keeping up with celestial events like meteor showers and full moons is a fun way to stay in touch with our solar system’s breathtakingly whimsical wonders. In fact, coming up on April 29th is a Full Pink Moon, named after the creeping phlox: those perky little pink flowers that tend to crop up this time of year and officially usher in this fresh season.
A pink-themed lunar event? That’s just the right shade of perfect for us!
The color pink is a time-honored classic — whether it’s pale and delicate like the tiniest hint of coral in a vintage string of pearls, or in-your-face like a fuchsia fanny pack. We love it.
Pink, while typically pigeonholed as a “girly” color, is actually a nuanced hue that communicates a rollercoaster of feels — calmness, tenderness, and optimism are just a few. Who doesn’t need more of those things in their life? And some even consider it the most rebel Punk color there’s is!
We’ve got bushels of watercolor cards here at Studio Masha D’yans that celebrate this unforgettable color, as well as some celestial selections if you’re eyes tend to stray to the skies!
Earth tones and vibrant pinks mingle and mix in this mashup of flora and fauna!
This fantastic color is front and center in this festive celebration of spring.
Turn your eyes to the skies and let your imagination frolic among the stars!
As Mother’s Day grows nearer, you can’t get too far without hearing comments about “greeting card holidays” and “corporate cliches.”
We might be biased here at Studio Masha D’yans, but we don’t think it’s quite as glum as all that!
In fact, we think of sending a greeting card as a radical act of love!
What used to be common (sending a letter through the mail) is long considered to be quaint. The act of mailing a card through the postal service can be fun, personalized, and might just make you feel like a kid again.
When it comes to greeting cards, tenderness and affection can be found in the ritual itself. In the time it took to choose one, to compose and handwrite it. In the sealing of the envelope, in the walk to the mailbox… in the joy that comes from receiving a thoughtful piece of stationery in a box that usually delivers bills or unwanted junk .
With Mother’s Day approaching, it can be tempting to think of a greeting card as a cliche… but choosing a beautiful, artfully-created card to express your love to whomever you call “Mom” — or someone who is missing theirs — is a classic that’s hard to beat.
This bright-eyed, bushy-tailed desert friend is sure to lift Mom’s spirits and usher in spring!
This dreamy sunset scene is sure to lull the mother in your life into a luxurious, pampering mood!
Is Mom a cat lover? A music lover? Both? This jazzy cat is a unique, fun way to send some pep through the post.
Urban Stems
It doesn’t get more classic than flowers, and this company’s sustainable practices make this gift guilt-free and gorgeous.
Urban Stems
Best For:
Sustainably sourced and originally arranged bouquets with limited edition offerings from featured designers and influencers.
Nationwide shipments with same-day delivery available in NYC, D.C., Philadelphia, Austin, and Baltimore.
Ranging from $55 to $138 with free delivery
Jonathan Adler Bubbly Pop Candle
Smooth, warm, and luxurious… with all the bubbly feelings of a night spent in your favorite black dress. This candle is a classy complement to your favorite Mother’s Day card!
Jonathan Adler Bubbly Pop Candle
Smells like: pink grapefruit, raspberry, French cassis, violet leaves, rose petal, and grape leaf.
Feels like: New Year’s Eve, silk-satin sheets, a million bucks.
A lush scent in a metallic vessel that is begging to be reused as a vase.
MoonJuice Cosmic Provisions Collection
Pamper Mom from the inside out with this bounty of organic, artisanal snacks!
MoonJuice Cosmic Provision Collection, $60
Feast on this bounty of divine delights. This package is the perfect sampler of crisps
nuts and fruits from our Cosmic Provision Collection.
These nutrient dense hand-crafted foods for snacking and feasting are enzymatically live and extraordinarily mineral and antioxidant rich. All savory and sweet foods are made from 100% organic
raw and activated ingredients.
What gives you more warm fuzzies than a playful surprise showing up on your doorstep?
Whether it’s a basketful of jelly beans in your fave color, a bottle of bubbly from someone who knows you well or daffodils popping after April showers, we think May Day surprises are the bee’s knees.
May Day is a fun, classic holiday… but did you know just how classic? We’re not talking classic like a string of pearls, we’re talking historical, ancient classic. Like, Stonehenge classic!
Goddess Flora by Sandro Botticelli, 1470
One of the oldest origins of May Day lies with the Druids of the British Isles, who believed May 1st symbolized the return of life and fertility to their part of the hemisphere. The Romans took this time to celebrate Flora, their goddess of flowers, and in Medieval times, the Maypole became a well-known tradition.
St. George’s Kermis With The Dance Around the Maypole – Pieter Brueghel the Younger, 1627
Frolicking, flowers, and light? That’s our kind of holiday here at Studio Masha D’yans!
Via Xtabay Vintage. Photographed by Holly Andres.
The cool history of this holiday doesn’t stop with the Maypole, however. In the US in 1886, May 1st was the beginning of the 8 hour work week, making great strides in the improvement of American working conditions.
Coachella Photo: John Davisson via Pollstar.com
There’s just something about spring that makes you want to share some love, and that’s a trend that isn’t changing anytime soon. With massive springtime arts festivals like Coachella and Primavera Sound happening all over the world, it’s clear: it’s time to let loose!
So, whether you’re celebrating those tiny little blooms cropping up in your flower pots, or recognizing a hard worker in your life, we’d love to help you find the perfect way to say “Thinking of You!”
Look out your window! Now squint a bit… look closer… what do you see?
Buds! Blossoms! Little green shoots! Life!
It’s time to get excited for Spring, don’t you think? It’s a lush, vibrant time to open up the windows and let your tendrils stretch out and discover new friends, refresh connections with old ones, and breathe in some of that dewy, decadent sunshiny breeze.
And you can’t forget about all of the holidays we get to celebrate — St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Passover, and even April Fool’s Day deserve a little greeting card love!
These vibrant spring greeting cards are just a small selection from our 35 brand new, freshly-added designs! Each come with our gorgeous new envelopes stamped in elegant metallic ink. Browse through a few and send a little Spring in the mail!
Gallop out of winter and dance into Spring! This joyful watercolor card is sure to add a lot of whimsy to anyone’s birthday.
Nature is often a much-needed medicine, and the Stronger Tree is a good reminder of that. This lush, hopeful card is the perfect way to lift up someone who might need a bit of a boost.
This little honeyeater bird is ready for the sweet flowers of Spring! Send him along to say “Thank You” to someone you love.
Sprigs and roots, bubbles and petals… this Health Potion card is a lovely reminder of both the healing powers of nature and the healing powers of correspondence.
Spring’s all about new beginnings, blooms, and the sun poking through clouds – definitely things to frolic about! Let these happy horses prance into someone’s heart!
These five Spring greeting cards are only a few petals in a garden of whimsical watercolor fun. Be sure to browse the shop to find new favorites! We hope that this post finds you with the sun shining through your windows and that warm days are on your horizon!
2018 arrived a while ago, but the new beginnings are still sashaying in! On February 16th, the Chinese culture ushers in its New Year — and this year is the Year of the Dog.
All across our blue and green globe, families who celebrate the Chinese New Year eat copious amounts of food, open lucky red envelopes, marvel at vibrant parades and paper lanterns, and sweep the bad luck right out of their homes.
Each year is represented by 1 of 12 traditional animals, each with their own characteristic symbolism. The dog is known for its fierce loyalty and honesty — the makings of a truly good friend! With kindness and an inherently friendly nature, it’s a lovely thing to have a “dog” in your life. Additionally, it’s believed that having a child in Dog year is super-lucky, with the child enjoying a long life! So, we thought it’d be fun to kick of the Year of the Dog and share some peppy pooches from Masha’s collection.
Full of warm wishes, dizzying bubbly, and decadent treats, a good birthday can send you soaring above the clouds. Might as well bring man’s best friend along! This card is an enchanting way to send a “birthday bow-wow!” to someone you love.
Let this pretty pup help you send a little love! This charming card lets you know that love doesn’t have to be a fancy affair… sometimes a frolic through the flowers is all it takes!
A snap in the air, icicles twinkling with a moment of sun, and just enough snow to build your own private winter palace… it’s the perfect time to have your best friend by your side. Let someone know you’d like to snuggle up and wonder at the world with this whimsical watercolor card.
Candy packages are turning pink (and whispering sultry pleas for you to snag them from the shelves), so we think it’s the perfect time to grab a box of chocolate (and of course a bottle of wine) and snuggle up with one of these five hopelessly romantic movies.
Lush colors, an unforgettable score, and some simply fabulous 1960s costumes make In the Mood for Love a treat for the senses. The stunning emotional detail and smoldering secret glances will hook you as you follow the romance of two neighbors, brought together by their spouses’ infidelities.
Sometimes you’ve just got to throw on a pair of leg warmers and get lost in an 80s romance! This quirky punk-rock-rom-drom from 1983 takes the typical “romance from the wrong side of the tracks” storyline and give it a “like, totally tubular” twist. Plus, you can’t go wrong with a super-young Nicolas Cage, right?
Hypnotising French dialogue, over-saturated colors, and a sweet, charming love story — Amelie is the cinematic equivalent of cracking into a decadent creme brulee. Follow Amelie — a kind-hearted misfit in Paris — as she helps others, indulges in life, and finds love.
Remember the movie Rosie O’Donnell and Meg Ryan gush over in Sleepless In Seattle? This is that film. Two people fall in love as they cross the ocean, then agree to meet again at the top of the Empire State Building. Classic, romantic, and full of style.
Baz Luhrmann (who wrote and directed Romeo + Juliet and Moulin Rouge) got his start with this 1992 Australian film… and it’s easy to see where his whimsical style began. Dancing, dreamy fantasy, lively music — all tangled up into a passionate romance. Watch a rebel dancer change the landscape of local competitive dance, all while he falls in love with an unlikely partner.
We hope you’ve popped some love in the mail and are having a cozy February!
Still working on those New Year’s resolutions? We know — we’re forever chasing those elusive “self-care” goals, too. We also know that personal wellness can mean a lot of different things!
Is it a tall, vibrant green glass of juice? An invigorating pilates sweat-sesh? A calming meditation in your favorite quiet corner?
These (of course, fantastic) methods are familiar — we know that juicing, pilates, and meditation can provide a boost to our mood and health… but what about placing a pen to deliciously-thick paper? Sighing over vibrant artwork — a swash of fuschia or hopeful spring green — before your pen scritch-scratches a message that promises an unexpected smile?
Taking a few thoughtful moments to send a greeting card is self-care taken to the next level — it provides a warm boost for both the recipient and the sender.
Think about what it takes to write and send a card. You must stop fixating on things like work or laundry, recall feelings of a specific person, and give a bit of yourself to the page as you craft a small gift of meaningful words. There’s a hypnotic beauty to this, and it becomes a bit of a meditation in itself.
Roland Jouvent, in an article on handwriting for The Guardian, recognizes the romance of the hand-written word:
“There is an element of dancing when we write, a melody in the message, which adds emotion to the text.”
There are many reasons to send a card, especially in times where sympathy and reassurance is needed. In those instances, a card with an intimate, personal touch will make a profound impact.
But there’s no need to wait for a momentous occasion — a simple, “How are your New Year’s resolutions coming?” is a great way to provide motivation to a friend who needs a little pick-me-up. And when you send a pick-me-up, you might be surprised at how refreshed you feel yourself.
Such a nice self-care win/win!
January may be in full swing with its blustery winds and frigid nights, but here at Masha D’yans Designs, we know the warmth of Valentine’s Day is just around the bend.
How comforting it is to have this gem of a holiday nestled up cozily in the coldest months of the year, providing a quick pick-me-up of connection and togetherness!
We’ve got an eye-catching bouquet of new cards on our website, many of them a lovely fit for Valentine’s Day.
Take “A Rose from Bat,” for instance. Send this spunky Valentine’s Day card for a little romance with a whimsical twist, or simply let an old friend know you’d like to wish them well. Our little bat friend is all about spreading the love, no matter the recipient.
Or our “Bleeding Hearts Bunny,” combining the stunning romantic charm inherently found in nature with a little bit of magic, characteristic of Masha D’yans’ enchanting style.
“Petals Dragonfly” is a versatile card, full of softness, and a gentle reminder of the delicate nature of love. With its pastoral feel and quiet, multifaceted meaning, this card can be used for many different occasions, ranging from a Valentine’s Day note to an expression of sympathy or care.
Masha’s “Heart Balloon Tree” offers a beautiful way to convey love, even in a time of loneliness or melancholy.
Other new “all about the love” cards include: Hills House Red, Bouquet Outfit, Moth Party, Double Butterfly, Best Day Look, Pigeons with Balloons on Power Lines.
With Valentine’s Day so near, it’s a great time to place your individual and wholesale orders so you can warm someone’s mailbox this February!