What gives you more warm fuzzies than a playful surprise showing up on your doorstep?
Whether it’s a basketful of jelly beans in your fave color, a bottle of bubbly from someone who knows you well or daffodils popping after April showers, we think May Day surprises are the bee’s knees.
May Day is a fun, classic holiday… but did you know just how classic? We’re not talking classic like a string of pearls, we’re talking historical, ancient classic. Like, Stonehenge classic!
Goddess Flora by Sandro Botticelli, 1470
One of the oldest origins of May Day lies with the Druids of the British Isles, who believed May 1st symbolized the return of life and fertility to their part of the hemisphere. The Romans took this time to celebrate Flora, their goddess of flowers, and in Medieval times, the Maypole became a well-known tradition.
St. George’s Kermis With The Dance Around the Maypole – Pieter Brueghel the Younger, 1627
Frolicking, flowers, and light? That’s our kind of holiday here at Studio Masha D’yans!
Via Xtabay Vintage. Photographed by Holly Andres.
The cool history of this holiday doesn’t stop with the Maypole, however. In the US in 1886, May 1st was the beginning of the 8 hour work week, making great strides in the improvement of American working conditions.
Coachella Photo: John Davisson via Pollstar.com
There’s just something about spring that makes you want to share some love, and that’s a trend that isn’t changing anytime soon. With massive springtime arts festivals like Coachella and Primavera Sound happening all over the world, it’s clear: it’s time to let loose!
So, whether you’re celebrating those tiny little blooms cropping up in your flower pots, or recognizing a hard worker in your life, we’d love to help you find the perfect way to say “Thinking of You!”