Masha = Watercolor Mischief

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Dad, we love you to the moon and back!

Father’s Day (just 3 days away!) has us reflecting on all things fatherhood, starting with Masha’s Dad who is a nuclear physicist, which is not rocket science… except it is! Vladimir comes from humble beginnings in a rural town but his mad math skills and unbound curiosity took him to a top university and then all the way to space! Masha is especially thankful to her Dad for the artificial crystals he grew at work and brought to her to play with, for explaining the principles of photography (she took the picture of him in the armchair at age six), for sneaking her into VIP areas of museums and for the delicious Armenian kabobs among his other magic. Here’s a small photo tribute (mixed with a couple of our cards) to this incredible man so devoted to his calling. Did you know that it’s been scientifically proven that firing off a beautiful card for father’s day, June 21, or any day, is a stellar way to honor a superman in your life?
Masha Dyans Dad Rocket Science Space
1. Would you explore cosmos if you had the chance or was Space Mountain with Dad enough?

2. Masha’s international family recently found a few photographic gems from her early years with her Dad! It’s fun to share them with you here.

3. Celebrate the strong and cozy bond between parent and child with our new Monkey Hug card and melt your recipient’s heart.

4. Howl for the leading man in your life with our best-selling Pack Leader Wolf.